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STEM MECHANICS – Pulley drives


Unleash the power of mechanics with the STEM MECHANICS – Pulley Drives set by Engino. This dynamic kit introduces young engineers to the world of pulley systems and mechanical engineering. From building machines with pulleys to understanding their applications, each project enhances problem-solving skills and nurtures innovative thinking. Equip your child with a deeper understanding of mechanics through this educational and captivating set.

Experience the remarkable world of pulley drives and their incredible force-transferring capabilities, all while minimizing friction. Uncover their historical significance spanning millennia, as they remain integral to contemporary complex machinery. Construct 8 functional models, such as material lifts, stationary bikes, crane bridges, blenders, construction cranes, and windmills. Both online resources and the included booklet offer accessible building instructions. Delve into comprehensive explanations of applied scientific principles and hands-on experimental activities in the booklet. Test your newfound knowledge with the accompanying Quiz section. Unleash the potential of STEM MECHANICS – Pulley Drives and witness force and speed reach astonishing heights.

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