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INVENTOR MECHANICS – Quad bike with 5 bonus models


Discover endless hours of creative play with the remarkable INVENTOR MECHANICS Quad Bike and its fantastic bonus models. This ingenious kit from Toytastic is the ultimate gift for inquisitive minds. The INVENTOR MECHANICS series introduces an exciting thematic approach combined with multi-model capabilities, offering an impressive central model and the freedom to build five additional designs.

Incorporating an array of components into the ENGINO system, this series not only elevates aesthetics but also enhances technical features. With high-precision wheels, ingenious mechanisms, and snap-fit curved surfaces, each creation showcases a harmonious blend of form and function. Whether racing through thrilling adventures or embarking on imaginative quests, young builders will be captivated by the endless possibilities.

Young adventurers aged 7 and above can dive into the excitement of the smaller sets, while older explorers can tackle larger kits featuring a geared motor for added dynamism.

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